Sold Horse Profile

Sold HorsesFIRE'S GIRL



Fire Girl’s (or Lucy) sire Feuerberg died at a young age, before he had the chance to prove what a wonderful horse he was. Feuerberg’s sire Feueropal is a stallion with spectacular athletic ability with numerous wins and placings in high preliminary jumping competitions in Germany, and he has also shown under Doug Henry in the open division in North America. Feueropal's sire, Werther is one of the corner stones in the Hanoverian breeding, having sired several breeding stallions. On Feueropal’s mother's side he goes back to one of the greatest Trakehner stallions that ever lived, Impuls. This horse has 16 approved sons.
Feuerberg’s dam Piñata was an old type, heavy boned, large framed mare, with ground covering strides and incredible scope over fences.

Lucy's dam is Mythical. Mythical has given us many babies - who have alL turned out to be tall, good-moving fillies.

Lucy had a pasture accident as a yearling and should not be ridden -but what a broodmare! Her first foal (D'Sheera) in 2008 is such a correctly-built filly. Donnerberg is breath-taking. And Diamanda is a a true beauty - she is our miracle baby.

How We Almost Lost Lucy:
In January 2009 Lucy (Fire's Girl) was inspected by the CSHA earning the top score of all the mares presented – she was in beautiful shape. That month she also had her teeth floated. At that time she was in foal. From then on she gradually started losing weight. Her foal Donnerberg was born. She was re-bred, and confirmed in foal. But Lucy was quite thin and getting thinner. We did many things to try and rectify the situation, to no avail. We asked two separate vets to re-look at her teeth. They all said her teeth were fine. By this time (fall of 2009) she was preg-checked, and we found out that she had lost her foal. We wormed her extra, weaned early, kept getting her checked. Nothing. Then by December, we insisted that the vets re-do her teeth, they complied. She got worse. They x-rayed her mouth and found some teeth were abscessed. She was put on some heavy-duty antibiotics. By Christmas, she looked terrible – a bag of bones, weepy eyes, could barely stand - so on Boxing Day we shipped her to a large animal hospital located 3 hours from here.

Once at the hospital, she was diagnosed with everything but the kitchen sink. Finally they re-did her teeth stating that the back teeth had never been done. They said that she needed surgery to remove one or 2 teeth, but all these other conditions that they diagnosed her with would make it impossible for her to survive surgery, so euthanasia was the only option. Since we were back home by then, and we had left our horse trailer parked at the hospital, we decided to wait until we could see her one last time. When we got there 2 days later, and after asking a few pointed questions, we decided to give her another chance – since getting her teeth floated at the hospital, she had put a bit of weight back on, and was eating easier. She was too weak to come home that day, so one week later we went back to pick her up. Once home, we babied her, fed her soup, treated her homeopathically for the teeth abscesses. … and then we re-bred her in the spring (of 2010)– and Diamanda was born in May 2011. All along the problem was, and still is - her teeth – I suspect that the teeth were damaged by the power float in January 2009. - … Had we not left our horse trailer at the hospital, Lucy would no longer be!! ... And this is why Diamanda is our Miracle Baby.

Lucy has had three more foals since.

Lucy HAS BEEN RE-BRED to Don Rico.










Date of Birth:

August 4, 2004




D'SHEERA (2008)
DON FIRE (2014)
DONALDA (2016)


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